lunes, 19 de octubre de 2015

Map: Spanish Relief

For preparing the exam of the Spanish relief, you should prepare a map with the following elements:

* Mountain RangesGalician Massif, Cantabrian Range, Picos de Europa, Basque Mountains, Pyrenees, Iberian mountain Range, Central Mountain Chain, Morena Range, Baetic Range, Penibetic Range, Subbetic Range,  Central Plateau, Catalan Coastal Chain, Mountains of León, Gata Mountains, Guadarrama Mountains, Picos de Urbión, Gredos Mountains, Mountains of Toledo, Sierra Nevada, Sierra de Tramuntana.

* Mountain: Teide, Mulhacén, Aneto, Monte Perdido, Moncayo, Almanzor, Aizkorri, Torrecerredo Teleno.

* Rivers: Bidasoa, Nervión, Nalón, Navia, Miño, Sil, Duero, Esla,  Tormes, Pisuerga, Tajo, Jarama, Alagón, Guadiana, Odiel, Tinto, Guadalquivir, Genil, Segura, Júcar, Turia, Mijares, Ebro, Segre, Cinca, Gállego, Aragón, Llobregat, Ter.

* Capes: Matxitxako,  Ajo, Peñas, Ortegal, Estaca de Bares, Finisterre, Trafalgar, Tarifa, Gata, Palos, Nao, Tortosa, Creus

* Strait: Strait of Gibraltar

* Islands: Ibiza, Menorca, Mallorca, Formentera, Cabrera (Balearic Islands); Gomera, Fuerteventura, La Palma, Gran Canaria, Tenerife, Lanzarote, El Hierro (Canary Islands)

* Gulf: Gulf of Rosas, Gulf of Sant Jordi, Gulf of Valencia, Gulf of Almeria, Bay of Cadiz, Bay of Vizcaya.

* Basins: Ebro River Basin, Guadalquivir River Basin.

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