On the following photo, you can see the three different climatic zones we have in our planet Earth. For a better understanding of them, you should remember that the Earth hasn't got a fix position; in fact it's titled. Due to this, the insolation (the amount of solar radiation that arrives to a place) of the surface of the Earth can change during the year.
Blog para mis estudiantes y las personas que quieran conocer y comprender las Ciencias Sociales
lunes, 12 de diciembre de 2016
miércoles, 30 de noviembre de 2016
sábado, 19 de noviembre de 2016
viernes, 18 de noviembre de 2016
Activity: The tides
Activity: Watch the videos and complete the sentences:
- The moon has _____ influenced than the Sun
- The factors that create the tides are: the Moon, the ______ and the _____
- Las mareas vivas take place when _______
- In the atlantic coast there are ____ _____ each day
miércoles, 16 de noviembre de 2016
Glacier valleys
The following picture explains the different parts we can see in a glacier.
This video will explain you how the glacier can change the mountains creating U-shaped valleys.
The following video will show you how the glaciers move.
jueves, 10 de noviembre de 2016
Activity: Rivers
Draw the figure on your notebook and complete with the different elements of rivers:
- Delta
- Meander
- Tributary
- Waterfall
- Mouth
- Source
- Upper course
- Lower course
- Middle course
lunes, 7 de noviembre de 2016
Activity: Factors that change the landforms
1.-. Look at the photos and decide which one/s of these landscapes is/are natural
Photo A |
Photo C |
Photo B |
2.-. Explain how the human being has change the other/s
Activity: Coastal landforms
1.-. Draw the picture in your notebook.
2.-. Pay attention to the description and locate the words in black in your drawing:
* A gulf is an area of the coast where the sea flows into an area surrounded by land. If it is medium size we called it bay and if it is small, cove.
* A peninsula is a piece of land surrounded by water on all sides except for a strip of land, that is called isthmus, which links it with the rest of the coast.
* A cape is a piece of land which sticks out into the sea.
* A cliff is rocky part of the coast which ends very sharply, sometimes vertically.
miércoles, 2 de noviembre de 2016
martes, 4 de octubre de 2016
Activity: The graphic scale
Exercise: Using the following map with graphic scale, calculate the distances between:
Bilbao - Valencia
Badajoz - Sevilla
Madrid - Barcelona
Zaragoza- Madrid
sábado, 1 de octubre de 2016
Activity: Time zones
Use the following map or the one of your book for solving the problems. Remember each time zone means one hour of difference.
b) You are visiting a friend in Madagascar. You want to explain your family your experience exploring the island. If your parents arrive home at 20.00, at what time would you phone them?
c) Your best friend is learning japanese at Kioto. You want to play videogames together, but you only can connect at 17.00. At what time would he need to connect?
What's Geography about?
The following video will help you to review the importance of Geography.
jueves, 29 de septiembre de 2016
lunes, 27 de junio de 2016
Proyecto "Create your own Coat of Arms"
Este año los alumnos de 2º de la ESO del IES Francés de Aranda han realizado un proyecto creativo para diseñar su propio escudo de armas. Es es el resultado de su trabajo.
This course the 2 ESO students of IES Francés de Aranda have realized one creative project for designing its own coat of arms. Here it's the result of their work.
Además, acompañando la creación del escudo con una redacción creativa explicando cómo lo habían obtenido. A continuación, una de las historias.
Besides the elaboration of the shield, they wrote a creative composition, explaining how they had obtained it. This is one of their stories.
"We were a noble family that lived in a village called Besalú (Aragón- Spain) Mu father was a very brave warrior who helped his king called Arthur.
One day, the Muslims conquered some close villages. Unfortunately, the next one will be ours. Due to this reason, my father had a brilliant idea: all Besalu's neighbours would fight aginst Muslim to protect their village. Some people didn't want it, but they hadn't enough time to ask other towns for help.
When Muslims arrived, some were killed by the neighbour and others scaped. Our village won the battle that day. The king was very grateful to my father's work. In this way, he gave him the honour of putting Aragon's flag in our shield. He also gave us the most importan castle in Besal'u county. We were so blessed!
In that moment, we decided to renew our family's old shield, the new one contained Aragon's flag, a sword with a red colour representing the importance of winning the blattle and it also appeared the castle the king gave to us.
Some years after, my father died in a battle. It was really painful for all my family. As i was the only daugther I inherited the shield and became protector of Aragón and Besalú. For that reason, I put on my shield the Sun."
(Amaia Betolanza 2º B)
jueves, 2 de junio de 2016
The State
Here you have the presentation used during lessons
Watch the following video for reviewing the concept of separation of powers:
lunes, 30 de mayo de 2016
Here, there is the presentation used during the lessons
If you are interested in learning more about evolution the following video will be useful.
viernes, 27 de mayo de 2016
The Geographical Discoveries.
Click on the following link for downloading the presentation used during the lesson: The Great Geographical discoveries.
The following video can help you to review some concepts of the Unit:
And here you have a video about Incas with the funny horrible histories style:
sábado, 14 de mayo de 2016
First World War
Here it is the presentation used during the lessons: WWI
Watch the following video for reviewing part of the concepts:
jueves, 12 de mayo de 2016
Tertiary Sector
Here it is the presentation used during the lessons.
You can review a part of the concepts with the following video:
sábado, 30 de abril de 2016
Extra project: The Renaissance and its artist
In groups you should investigate about one artist of the Renaissance. The research will have two different parts: bibliography and one piece of the artist. Keep on reading for having a better idea of the steps of your investigation. Remember you will present to the class a powerpoint with your work.
Part A. The artist.
- Summarize the life of the author and his main events
- Explain the characteristics of his works: techniques, materials, new aspects he developed.
- Anecdotes about his life or work.
Part B. The Master piece
- Explain the topic of the piece. Describe if it's necessary, materials used, techniques, symbols.
- Explain what aspects of the Renaissance are mirrored in the piece.
Part C. Conclusion
- Why is your artist considered as an example of the Renaissance?
Part D. Bibliography
-Use the APA rules
Advices for the final presentation:
- Don't write all the information
- Explain the new concepts and words. If you don't understand anything, neither do your mates.
- Photos and pictures are not for decorating, explain them use the for transmitting concepts.
- Don't read, don't memorize, explain what you have learn.
- Make it funny and enjoy yourselves
Authors and pieces:
* Leonardo and the Last Supper
* Rafael and the Academy
* Giberti and the doors of Baptistery of Florence
* Miguel Angel and The Moses
* Donatello and "El david"
* Palladio and the "Villa Capra"
Here you have the presentation used during the lessons.
You can also watch the following video for reviewing a part of the concepts used in this unit.
jueves, 28 de abril de 2016
Renaissance and Reformation
Here you have the presentation used during the lessons: Renaissance and Reformation
If you want to see the full video of Leonardo Da Vinci by Horrible Histories, here it is: Leonardo
miércoles, 20 de abril de 2016
Extra project: Learning about my history
Historian's work is compared with the private eye's one, because he must search for all the clues to understand and know what happened in the past. This clues are called sources and we can classified them in:
* Oral: interviews or testimonies of the witnesses
* Iconographic: photos, films, videos
* Written: all types of documents like newspapers, letters, etc.
* Material: all objects like clothes, glasses, etc.
PART A: Oral information.
Talk with your grandparents, parents, brothers and sisters for investigating about your life when you were 3 years old. You can start with these questions and follow with those ones you imagine:
1. What were your toys when you were 3 years old? Which one was your favorite one?
2. What type of clothes did you wear at that age?
3. Which ones were your first words?
4. Where did you walk for first time?
5. When did your first teeth appear?
6. What anecdotes does your family remember?
PART B. Verify the information.
1. Look for photos of your childhood and confirm if the clothes and the toys your family have talked about appear. You can get more information from the pictures, for example the appearance of your parents, changes in your house, etc.
2. Search for material elements like your childhood's clothes or toys?, etc. Describe them; how they are made, shape, colours, etc.
3. Documents: All families in Spain has got a document where the data of its member are. Verify your datas and your relatives' ones.
PART C. Conclusions.
Think about all the activity and comment the things that have surprised you or you like the most.
martes, 19 de abril de 2016
domingo, 10 de abril de 2016
Asian Relief
Here is the list of items for the next exam.
Peninsulas: Anatolian, Arabian, Hindustan, Indochinese, Malay, Korean and Kamchatka
Plateau: Central Siberian Plateau, Mongolian Plateau, Iranian Plateau, Plateau of Kobo, Tibetan Plateau.
Mountain Ranges: Caucasus, Zagros, Himalayas, Chersky mountains, Kolyma mountains, Ural.
Mountains: Everest, Kanchenjunga, Jaya Peak.
Deserts: Syrian, Arabian, Gobi, Great Indian Desert,
Rivers: Tigris, Eufrates, Indus, Ganges, Mekong, Yangtze, Hwang-Ho, Amur, Lena, Yenisey, Obi
Lakes: Baikal
Seas: Aral, Caspian, Arabian, South China Sea, East China Sea, Japan Sea, Bering Sea, Kara Sea, Barents Sea
Plains: Western siberian plain, northern siberian plain.
Gulfs and bays: Persian gulf, Bay of Bengal, Oman Gulf, Korea bay, gulf of Anadyr.
Straits: Malasia strait, Bering Strait
Islands: Sri Lanka, Maldives, sumatra, Java, Celebes, Borneo, New Guinea, Taiwan, Philippines, Japanese Archipielago, Kuril Islands
Remember to use the Enrique Alonso website for reviewing your knowledge: Interactive maps
jueves, 7 de abril de 2016
Guión de trabajo: Ciudadano Klinex
A lo largo del programa Ciudadano Klínex de Salvados Jordi Evolé va a analizar distintos aspectos sobre el sistema democrático. Recuerda que este sistema puede tener variaciones según el país en el que estemos. Es por eso que se hace importante analizar cuidadosamente los conceptos que manejamos al hablar de democracia. Por ello, a continuación tienes una serie de ejercicios y preguntas relacionados con el programa que te ayudaran a entender mejor este sistema.
Parte A
1.-. Además de las manifestaciones y las elecciones ¿qué otras dos formas de participación mencionan en Salvados?
2.-. ¿Cómo funciona el sistema de referéndum en España?
3.-. ¿Qué es una ILP y qué se necesita para desarrollarla?
Parte B
4.-. ¿Qué son las listas abiertas y cómo funcionan en Suiza?
5.-. ¿Hay algún tipo de lista abierta en España?
6.-. ¿Cuántos referendos se hacen en Suiza?
7.-. ¿Qué crítica se hace al sistema de referendos? Según el programa ¿qué no se debe votar para eliminar?
Parte C
8.-. ¿Cómo se escogen los candidatos en España?
9.-. ¿Por qué Álvarez Cascos está en contra de las listas abiertas?
10.-. ¿Qué cauces tiene un ciudadano para hacerse oír por los políticos, según Álvarez Cascos?
Parte D
11.-. ¿De qué se queja Julio Anguita con respecto a la ciudadanía?
12.-. ¿Qué propone Julio Anguita para participar más en la política?
miércoles, 6 de abril de 2016
Investigating about Spain in the 19th century
![]() |
Promulgation of the Cadiz Constitution (Salvador Viniegra) |
- Develop a cooperative work for solving and organizing a research.
- Use the ICT as didactic and communicative resource.
- Encourage the decision making.
- Improve oral skills.
Each three-member team must investigate about a period of the Spanish 19th century History. The starting point are some questions about it.
These are the periods and questions:
A) The Independence War (1808-1814)
- Who participated in it?
- What were the factions?
- What did those factions defend?
- Who participated in it?
- What were the factions?
- What did those factions defend?
B) The absolutist restoration of Fernando VII (1814-1833)
- Was Fernando VII absolutist or liberal? Why?
- Was Fernando VII absolutist or liberal? Why?
C) Isabel II: the construction of the liberal state (1833-1868)
- Who governed the nation?
-Was that system a democracy? Why?
- Who governed the nation?
-Was that system a democracy? Why?
D) The Revolutionary Sexennium (1868-1874)
- Which one were the different project?
- How were they put into practice?
- Which one were the different project?
- How were they put into practice?
E) The Bourbon Restoration (1874-1923)
-Who was Cánovas del Castillo?
- What is the connection with the Restoration?
F) Society
- What are the new social groups that appeared in the 19th century?
- What were their ideologies and objectives?
G) Economy.
- Did the Industrial Revolution fail or success?
- When?
H) Personality of the period:
- Who was Joaquin Costa?
- What ideology did he represent?
-Who was Cánovas del Castillo?
- What is the connection with the Restoration?
F) Society
- What are the new social groups that appeared in the 19th century?
- What were their ideologies and objectives?
G) Economy.
- Did the Industrial Revolution fail or success?
- When?
H) Personality of the period:
- Who was Joaquin Costa?
- What ideology did he represent?
The objective is to elaborate a presentation of 15 minutes for you classmates.
The research must include:
* Introduction of the topic
* Clear explanation of the questions provided and its relevance for the period of the study.
* Clear definition of new concepts.
* Clear definition of new concepts.
* Bibliography (follow the APA system)
A copy of the presentation and of your notes will be given to the teacher or share through Drive.
Deadline: 1st February.
Your research must give not only an answer to the questions provided but also a general view of the topic/period of Spanish History.
Here your have some advice for your oral presentation: Advice for an oral presentation.
Deadline: 1st February.
Your research must give not only an answer to the questions provided but also a general view of the topic/period of Spanish History.
Here your have some advice for your oral presentation: Advice for an oral presentation.
Any modification of the presentation after the deadline will decrease the mark in 2 points.
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