martes, 28 de febrero de 2017

Educación para la ciudadanía: redacción creativa 2016-2017

"Querido padre:

Te escribo esta carta por motivo de mi ausencia durante estos tres últimos años transcurridos. Padre os echo de menos a ti y a Iván desde el día que comenzó todo, desde el día en que las tropas nazis interrumpieron en mitad de clase buscando a aquel judía que se escondía entre nosotros. Aquel judío ahora es un amigo y también uno de los nuestros.

Ahora nos encontramos buscando un refugio. El invierno es duro, pero nos irá bien. Somos un grupo mayor desde que nos encontramos con dos más. Ellos consiguieron escapar de camino al campo de exterminio. Ahora forman parte de nosotros. 

Iván, sé que me he perdido tus cumpleaños y que padre te habrá contado de mí, sé que echas de menos a mama. Yo también, pero dentro de poco empezarás el colegio y quiero que seas fuerte. Estudia y consigue un buen empleo, sino vuelvo para entonces, por favor lleva a padre a aquel sitio en las afueras, donde siempre quiso ir y esperadme cuando las cosas se calmen. 

Debemos continuar,  Os quiere,


Autor: Nicolás Bintaned. (3º ESO)

martes, 14 de febrero de 2017

Surfing: Primary sector II

Here it is the new surfing for the next exam. Deadline: 23th of February.

Counting time in History

For historians, counting time is basic for having a good understanding of the past. It is really important to put in the correct order the events for investigating the relations that exist between them. However it is important to remember that, depending on the culture, it has changed through time. Nowadays, in western countries, we use the birth of Jesus as reference; however, other cultures likes chinese one, use another types of calendar and references. 

We start counting in year 1 (Birth of Jesus) and we use the initials B.F. (before Christ) for referring to the years previous to this event and A.D. (Anno Domini) for the years after his birth. The year 0 doesn't exist. Thanks to this, we can can organize correctly the historical events and processes. 

Exercise 1. Put in the correct order the following dates. 
A. D. 133
25 B.C.

1100 B.C.
427 A.D.
1492 B.C.

In History, we also use word like decades, centuries or milleniums. A decade is a period of 10 years, a century refers to 100 years and a millenium to one thousand years. It is really usual to see the centuries as a cronological reference. For calculating the century of a year, cover the last two numbers up and add one. 

Exercise 2. Calculate the centuries of the following years: 
A.D. 333
756 B.C
A.D. 1085
A.D. 473
1250 B.C.

domingo, 5 de febrero de 2017

Analyzing climates charts.

A climate char is the graphic representation of the temperatures and precipitations that take place on a region. Due to that, it gives us a lot of information. For analyzing it and arriving to the conclusion of the correct climate that it is represented, we can follow the following steps. 

STEP 1: Temperatures. 

Temperatures give us information about the location of the climate: hemisphere, climatic are. This is will help us to reject some climates and focus on one climatic area.  The following picture will give you some clues for a better understanding. 

Another important element is the annual average temperature, that will help us to locate the climatic area of the climate chart we are analyzing. For calculating it, we need to add up the temperatures of each month (Note: take care if there are negative temperatures) and divide the result between 12. Once we have made it, we can guess the area:

a) + than 20º C = the place is in the warm area

b) between 0 and 20º C = the climate belongs to the temperate area

c) - than 0º C = it is a cold climate. 

This photo will show you and example. 

Step 2. Precipitations.

Precipìtations helps us to determinate the climate, once we have the climatic region. The first element is to verify if the rainfalls are constant and regular during the whole year or, on the contrary, there is a dry season, what means a period of the year with really few precipitations. 

In addition to this, the analysis of this aspect will give us more information about how the precipitations are.

a) - than 250 = very scarce. (we identify this climate as a desert)

b) 250 to 700= scarce. 

c) 700 to 1300 = abundant

d) more than 1300= very abundant. 

It also important the period in which the rainfalls take place, because there are some climates that receive mostly of precipitations in a specific season, like the continental one.

Now, it is the moment for testing your knowledge doing the following activity

Project: Investigating about climates

Each group should investigate about one climate and its landscape and create a poster for the classroom. The investigation must have the following elements:

1.-. A graphic (climate chart) with the table the teacher has given to you.

2.-. An identification of the climate. Use the explanations given at class

3.-. Once you have identificated the climate, look for information about the landscape:
       - What plants and trees can we find there?
       - Specific species of flower, trees...
       - How are the plants adapted?

4.-. Turn for the animals:
       - What animals can we find there?
       - Specific species of mammals, reptiles ...
       - How are they adapted?

5.-. And what about the people?
      - Look for the traditional people that live in your landscape: traditions, problems they have for surviving like deforestation, desertification, etc.

6.-. Remember that you are creating a poster, try to make it attractive. Here you have some recommendations:
       a) Search for spectacular photos
       b) Select amazing animals and describe some curiosities of them
       c) Be creative.

7.-. At the back part of your poster, write the bibliography or websites you have use. Use this explanation for knowing how: How to cite the bibliography

jueves, 2 de febrero de 2017

Guión de trabajo: La democracia y los partidos políticos

Cada grupo recibirá por sorteo las siglas de uno de los partidos políticos actuales, ya sean de ámbito nacional o regional, y deberán responder a los siguientes apartados. 

1.-. Elaboración de una ficha con los datos principales de cada partido: Fecha de fundación, fundador o fundadores, lugar, miembros relevantes. lugares en los que han gobernado. 

2.-. Análisis de sus propuestas en varios aspectos:

   a) Ideología 
        - ¿Cómo se definen: liberales, conservadores, moderados, progresistas, regionalistas, independentistas...? 
         Explica el concepto. 

  b) Estado del bienestar  
 - ¿Qué dicen sobre los servicios públicos como Sanidad, Educación, Servicios Sociales? 
 - ¿Su gestión debe ser pública, mixta o privada? 
 - ¿Cómo lo justifican?

  c) Economía
   - ¿En qué consisten sus ideas económicas? 
   - ¿Cómo van a llevarlas a la práctica?
   - ¿Sus ideas económicas son liberales (mínima intervención del Estado), sociales (intervención en ciertos aspectos) o comunistas (gran intervención del Estado en todos los aspectos económicos)?

   d)  Territorio
    - ¿Qué dicen de las zonas rurales?
    - ¿Están a favor de la independencia de algún territorio? ¿Cuál y cómo quieren llevarlo a cabo? Si la respuesta es no, ¿cómo planean evitarlo? 

  3.-. Reflexiona sobre el partido político:
    - Compara lo que sabíais antes y lo que sabes ahora. 
    - ¿Ha cambiado tu visión sobre ese partido?
    - ¿Qué conceptos de los usados por el partido te han resultado más difíciles de entender?
 4.-. Conclusiones
 - ¿Para qué sirven los programas políticos?
 - ¿Crees que explican bien lo que van a hacer si gobiernan?

 5.-. Bibliografía. 
 Recordad citar la bibliografía siguiendo las normas APA. Pincha aquí, para revisarlas. 

Activity: Analyzing climate charts: Warm area II

Exercise: Pay attention to the graph and answer the questions. Remember to use the dyagrams worked at class for guessing the answers.

1.-. Pay attention to the temperatures and answer:
  1. which climate zone does it belong to?
  2. When does the winter take place?
  3. Which hemisphere does this climate chart belong to?

2.-. Pay attention to the precipitations and answer:
  1. Is there any dry season?
  2. What is the total amount of precipitations?

3.-. What is the climate of this chart?

4.-. And the landscape?

Activity: Analyzing climate charts: Warm area I

Exercise: Pay attention to the graph and answer the questions. Remember to use the dyagrams worked at class for guessing the answers. 

1.-. Pay attention to the temperatures and answer:
  1. which climate zone does it belong to?
  2. When does the winter take place?
  3. Which hemisphere does this climate chart belong to?

2.-. Pay attention to the precipitations and answer:
  1. Is there any dry season?
  2. What is the total amount of precipitations?

3.-. What is the climate of this chart?

4.-. And the landscape?

miércoles, 1 de febrero de 2017

Activity: Elaborate the climate charts

Exercise: Elaborate two climate charts with the following data. Remember to pay attention to the negative temperatures.