jueves, 26 de abril de 2018

WW1: objects and people

A: Research and find the object or people
Do some research to find objects (including images like photos or posters and texts like letters, postcards or diaries) or people (including associations or institutions) related to the First World War. Select one that you think is relevant to learn about people’s life during the war.

B: Organised the required information about the object or person/people
Characteristics, elements or key information
Relevance for the war
Reasons why you have selected.

C. Mention your sources
Don’t forget to mention your sources, include a bibliography with the books and websites you have used.

D. Present the object or people
Present your work in a creative way. It can be an A5 paper, a leaflet, a poster, a model, etc. There will be an exhibition with your projects.

domingo, 8 de abril de 2018