My name is Jacques Moureau; I'm a novice soldier at Napoleon's army service. The expedition's objective is to conquer Egypt and close the British access to India. But, mine is to find a buried treasure in Egypt. I have a parchment which shows half of the way to find it. I'm sure the other half part is here, in my warship and I have to fin it! I looked for it in almost all the berths. The ones I haven't checked are Napoleon's, my Captain Pierre-François Bouchard's and a scientist called Pierre Mercier's rooms.
The treasure is related with a fight between two brother. After their father's deaths, they received from him two maps with the exactly location of the treasure. But one of the sons wanted it for himself and killed his brother to have all the money and jewels. The legend says he never found the hidden treasure.
I want to find the treasure so I have to fin the other part of the parchment quickly. My plan is simple. Tomorrow night I will enter to Pierre-François Bouchard's room first. I'm sure he's the person that has it; Captain sometimes looks suspicious. The problem is how i should enter; there is a lot of people and I think it's difficult to enter in one "important" room. Maybe, my best option it's to wait until we reach some land, I think we're near Egypt... After all people go ashore, I will enter fast to the Captain's room and I will search quickly for the map.

I'm nervous, if I find the map I will be able to find the treasure. It's true that first we have to arrive to Egypt; however I'm not sure about what we'll do to achieve our objectives: the conquest of Egypt and the closure of the access to India.
We have arrived in Egypt. I'm worried, because all the people have changed his attitude and I think I'm not the only one who hides something. While we were having lunch, I've seen how the Captain gave a paper to the Commander . At first, I thought that it wasn't important, but then I saw both of them went to the corner and began to whisper.
My thoughts were true, the Captain has the map and with the help of the Commander he wants to find the treasure. I have few hours for trying to steal the map and run away. The plan is simple. I'll kill one of the soldier and while all take care of him, I will enter in the Captain's tent and I will steal the map. Will all this have a good end?
This afternoon I will try to kill the soldier. I'm nervous because I don't know if this is going to be right. It's the moment!
I approach to a soldier that was alone. I tried to shoot him but the Captain saw me. He call to the other soldier and they locked me up in a room. I start searching a clue of the maps, but I can't find anything. I have spent 1 whole day here, without eating anything. Two hours ago, I listened to the Captain saying to someone that he thinks the treasure was a stone called Rosetta. I know that this stone have something written in 3 languages, maybe is another clue to find the treasure. I have to escape from this room to find this stone.
I escaped from that room, I was so nervous! My first plan wasn’t good at all to find the map and to reach the Piedra Rosetta. It was impossible, I would never get it. But, suddenly, I have the best idea of the world! Let me see, I would speak with the commander and I’d go to the room where the map is with my own part of it. I'd lead the expedition until the las part of the travel, where I'd change the direction of the boat to take the final treasure without anybody suspecting and I’d get it… It looks easy!
(Authors: 4th ESO students)
* Kent, Emerson (2014) Map of Egypt in Emerson Kent Historu for relaxed historian, Retrieved January 31st, 2016 from
* Pierre-François Bouchard. (2015, 24 de mayo). Wikipedia, La enciclopedia libre. Fecha de consulta: 17:19, marzo 7, 2016 desde .
* Rosetta Stone. (2016, February 12). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 11:49, February 13, 2016, from
* Sánchez Arreseigor, J.J. (2011, 10th June) Napoleon in Egypt in National Geographic España. Retrieved January, 24th, 2016 from
* Pierre-François Bouchard. (2015, 24 de mayo). Wikipedia, La enciclopedia libre. Fecha de consulta: 17:19, marzo 7, 2016 desde https://es.wikipedia.
* Rosetta Stone. (2016, February 12). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 11:49, February 13, 2016, from
* Sánchez Arreseigor, J.J. (2011, 10th June) Napoleon in Egypt in National Geographic España. Retrieved January, 24th, 2016 from
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