viernes, 13 de noviembre de 2015

Analyzing a population pyramid

Exercise 1.  Comment the pyramid of Aragon: 

a) shape, birth rates, life expectancy, etc.

b) compare the groups of age: is it a young or elder population?

c) look at those groups that break the normal evolution and try to explain them

Exercise 2. Compare the pyramid of Alhama the Aragón with the one of the former exercise. 

a) shape, birth rate, life expectancy, etc.

b) compare the distribution of the population in age groups: young, adults, elderly. 

c) compare the distribution in genders. 

d) Is the evolution the same in both cases? Explain your answer. 

Exercise 3. Analyze the evolution of the population in Spain using the two figures. Pay especial attention to: 

- Life expentacy: Has it increased?

- Death and Birth rates: Are they low or high? Causes of the change.

- Groups of age in which there is an increase or decrease of the population (male or women). Try to explain it. 

- Conclusion for the demographic future of Spain. Will it be any problem? Which one? Possible solutions?

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