sábado, 30 de marzo de 2019

Mark's Letter (Activity Letters from trenches)

Soldiers at trenches (Source: John Warwick Brooke from Wikimedia Commons)

Belgium, 11 March 1915

Hello Alejandro,

I hope all the family and you are all right,. I know you can't be fine, when there's an international war around us, but I hope you're okay

You, guys, have no idea of how much I miss you and how much I wish I could be with you right now. This is horrible, you're my only hope and the only reason I keep fighting for. Everyone here thinks they're going to die, but I really don't, I look forwards to see you again someday. I really do.

Life in trenches is dreadful. There are bullets flying above us most part of the day and about 500 corpses appear every day. It's really hard to wake up in the morning with all your bunker mates and, at the end of the day, you're the only one who is still alive. Not to talk about food ration that makes a lot of soldiers to have a really weak health and to die more easily, but I am used to the lack of food and it isn't really affecting my health. 

So, this is my farewell. I'm really conscious that this letter will be probably censored, but I needed to try. Anyway, I'll soon send you another letter, so in case you never read this, you will soon hear about me.

I love you more than words can express, 


Letter written by M. B., student of 4º C (IES TIEMPOS MODERNOS 2018-2019)

Cursive parts are teacher's corrections.

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